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PSD Tournaments

Organize the perfect tournament

Organize your own club tournament!

Organizing a club tournament not only generates additional revenues, it also contributes to the social character and brand awareness of the club. Not sure where to begin? Download one of our free e-papers below!

Soccer Tournament Manual

Discover here the most important steps and requirements for organizing a soccer tournament: from searching sponsors, inviting clubs to tournament management and awarding prizes. Request our manual below:

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FIFA Tournament Guide

A FIFA tournament is always more fun when facing physical opponents! Organize a play@home tournament with a minimal setup: a console, the game and a tournament manager. A perfect activity to organize during the winter period and a possible new revenue source for your club! Request our manual below:

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ProSoccerData is an online platform that enables clubs and federations to operate with a higher efficiency and maximize talent development.

Tournify is an online platform for managing (e)sports tournaments.


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Ninoofsesteenweg 132
1700 Dilbeek, Belgium